Page 84 - Portfolio Collection Guide, Agents & Travellers
P. 84
LoDge - IsAnDLWAnA
Carved into the Nyoni Rock and overlooking the site of the Battle of Isandlwana, magni cent views can be enjoyed from every vantage point of the lodge, including your private balcony. Experience the warm hospitality of the Zulu staff and avoursome meals prepared by the local chefs. The stillness of the setting belies what is regarded as one of the most dramatic events in the history of the Zulu kingdom: the Battle of Isandlwana. Guests will be enthralled with the battle stories of Isandlwana and Rorke’s Drift as well as other con icts in the surrounding areas, as told by the quali ed guides at the lodge. Additionally, you can also meet some of the hospitable Zulu people at the local village or join one of the birding or photographic tours to enjoy the unspoilt countryside. Pre-booking is advised. 4-Star Lodge.
From R3600 pps including all meals | R4320 Sgl | Specials offered periodically Off R68 between Babanango and Nquthu/Dundee
034 271 8301/4/5
[email protected] |
LoDge - BetWeen DUnDee AnD RoRKe’s DRIFt
Stay on a working farm with views across the plains, abundant in game. Between St Lucia, Hluhluwe and the Drakensberg, and central to the Battle elds, a two-night stay is recommended to explore the region. Great birding and walks in the area. 4-Star Lodge. Frans & Dora Joubert
R1150 pps DBB including game drive Self-Catering from R1400 per unit 083 660 7622
R68 from Dundee, graded road 14km [email protected] |
sneeZeWooD FARM
gUest HoUse | seLF-CAteRIng - DUnDee
This warm and welcoming farm, just 5km from Dundee, is perfect to explore the Battle elds and northern KwaZulu-Natal. Stylish, classic and contemporary air-conditioned rooms offer DStv, Wi-Fi and tea tray. Dinner on request. New self-catering cottage ideal for families. 4-Star B&B and Self-Catering.
6 bedrooms (Children 10+) | From R625 pps BB, R870 single BB | 2 bedroom cottage (all ages) | R600 pps s/c, R1200 single s/c | Karen & Paul Theunissen 082 611 3560 | Dundee/Wasbank Road (P33) [email protected] |
82 BAttLeFIeLDs